Dulcimer Events E-List

SCDH E-Mail List Sign-Up Form

Would you like to know about Dulcimer activities available in Southern California?
SCDH maintains an E-mail list for a monthly events calendar of upcoming events that may interest you as a dulcimer player or enthusiast.

If you would like to subscribe, fill in the form below and mail to:

P.O. Box 5477
Buena Park, CA 90622

IMPORTANT: Please add Southern California Dulcimer Heritage SCDH.events@gmail.com to your address book so your browser will accept our monthly mail. We do not share or sell this list.








Besides our fall festival, which of the following events would you be interested in hearing about (please check all that apply)?

_____Touring hammered dulcimer artist concerts
_____Local hammered dulcimer artist concerts
_____Workshops for hammered dulcimer players
_____Hammered dulcimer jams
_____Mixed dulcimer jams
_____Touring fretted dulcimer artist concerts
_____Local fretted dulcimer artist concerts
_____Workshops for fretted dulcimer players
_____Fretted dulcimer jams
_____Jams open to all instruments

Please let us know about other types of activities for SCDH to organize.

Which regions would you travel to for these events (check all that apply)?
_____Santa Barbara & Ventura Counties
_____Riverside & San Bernardino Counties
_____North Los Angeles County
_____South Los Angeles County
_____North Orange County
_____South Orange County
_____North San Diego County
_____South San Diego County